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CHICO Charity Activity - Combat Epidemic & Relief Flood


Our wills are united though we are at different locations. Chico always takes action to help people in need. Together we can pull through all difficulties.

Henan province was hit by unprecedented rainfall on July 17. Local transportation and communication were interrupted, farmlands were flooded, and people were devastated. Chico Crop donated¥50,000 to Zhengzhou charity organizations, helping provide relief supplies to people in need.

Chico Crop donated¥50,000 to Zhengzhou charity organizations

New Covid-19 cases were reported at Nanjing Lukou International Airport on July 20. Aiming to fight the Covid-19 outbreak, Chico Crop donated ¥48,000 to Shenzhen Nanjing Chamber of Commerce for purchasing medical supplies, including masks, gowns and hand sanitizers.

Aiming to fight the Covid-19 outbreak, Chico Crop donated ¥48,000  Through various charity activities, Chico wish to help people through suffering times. Hand in hand, we can overcome all difficulties.