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PROFLU® Propamocarb Hydrochloride 63%+Fluopicolide 7% 70% SC Fungicide

  • fluopicolide
  • propamocarb hydrochloride uses
  • fluopicolide fungicide

Product Introduction

Propamocarb hydrochloride 63% + Fluopicolide 7% 70% SC.

Product Feature

This product is a low-toxic systemic fungicide, composed of a new therapeutic fungicide, fluopicolide, and a systemic conductive fungicide, propamocard hydrochloride. The two active ingredient have a significant synergistic effect. It has both protective and therapeutic effects. It has a stable and good control on vegetables crop diseases caused by down mildew and phytopthora.

Product Feature

This product is a low-toxic systemic fungicide, composed of a new therapeutic fungicide, fluopicolide, and a systemic conductive fungicide, propamocard hydrochloride. The two active ingredient have a significant synergistic effect. It has both protective and therapeutic effects. It has a stable and good control on vegetables crop diseases caused by down mildew and phytopthora.


  • Advanced formulation: High activity, long duration, strong absorption, flexble application time.

  • Broad spectrum: It has stable and good control effect on the vegetable crop diseases caused by oomycete, especially on the diseases caused by down mildew and phytopthora.

  • Inhibitory activity and therapeutic activity: Fluopicolide has very good inhibitory efffect on the release and movement of zoospores, the germination and growth of mycelia and sporulation. It has therapeutic activity for inhibiting mycelium and spore formation. Propamocard hydrochloride is a multi-action site fungicide with high activity in plants and in pathogens.

  • Long Duration: The duration of effect is generally 15-20 days.

  • High effective and safe: Suitable for pollution-free and green vegetable production, can be used in any growth period of crops and has the effects of stimulating growth, enhancing crops vitality, and promoting rooting and flowering.

Applicable Crops

This agriculture fungicide can be used to crops such as peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers and grapes.



It showed super excellent control effect on down mildew, late blight on kinds of crops caused by oomycete fungi, and it also had excellent control effect on soil root diseases caused by damping-off, phytophthora and putrefaction.

Cucumber downy mildew
Cucumber downy mildew
Potato late blight
Potato late blight
Potato late blight
Potato late blight
Grape downy mildew
Grape downy mildew
Tomato late blight
Tomato late blight

Uses and Recommendations

CropsTargetsDosageApplication methods


Late blight

900-1125 ml/ Ha

Stem and leaf spray

1. Spray evenly on the stems and leaves of 675-1125 L water according to the recommended dosage per hectare, depending on crop size.

2. In the early stage of the disease, foliar spray treatment is the best and can reduce the drus dosage, It is recommended to apply every 7-10 days. Do not apply on windy days or expected rain within 1 hour.

3. The safety interval is 5 days; Apply up to 3 times per season.


  • To make a solution, fill a small amount of water into a sprayer and then add the recommended amount of the product. Stir the liquid dissolve completely, then add enough water.

  • It is recommended to use alternatively with fungicides of different machanisms of action.

  • Do not mix with liquid bio fertilizer or plant growth regulations, and do not mix with alkaline agents.

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